Dynase Phevon

what do teenagers worry about

What Do Teenagers Worry About: From School Stress to Social Media Pressure (2024)

As a former high school counselor I’ve witnessed firsthand the complex web of worries that today’s teenagers face. From academic pressures to social media anxiety these concerns can feel overwhelming and all-consuming for young people navigating their teenage years. While some might dismiss teenage worries as trivial I’ve learned that they’re incredibly real and significant […]

What Do Teenagers Worry About: From School Stress to Social Media Pressure (2024) Read More »

what to do with teenagers

What to Do With Teenagers: 15 Fun Activities That Actually Work (Parents’ Guide)

As a parent of two teenagers I know firsthand how challenging the adolescent years can be. From mood swings to social pressures the teen years bring unique parenting hurdles that often leave us feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. I’ve discovered that finding meaningful activities and ways to connect with teenagers doesn’t have to be complicated. Through

What to Do With Teenagers: 15 Fun Activities That Actually Work (Parents’ Guide) Read More »

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